Wow! You've made some great points. Particularly these:
* To know if an AI tool works, don’t read news headlines — try it yourself - I agree. Even though I've seen ChatGPT in the news a lot more than Claude, my experience has been that Claude is much better.
* Even if an AI bubble explodes, the survivors will build a new technological landscape - True. Technology will keep advancing.
* Companies care about shareholders - I actually think they care about share value, but it kind of implies the same thing.
* In ten years, most (if not all) writers will have incorporated AI tools in their workflows - I think ten years is too long for this. In my opinion, writers will use AI tools much sooner than that.
* Humans love the human component in everything; pure AI-generated content can only work through deception and scams or otherwise people wouldn’t consume it - I'm not sure about this one, especially looking at the popularity of AI-generated images.
* Your idea of AI will change over time — that’s okay - Oh definitely! Change is the only constant.